Tools & Resources
Inkling Creative Strategies offers resources for writers at all stages in the process, including workbooks & tools for writers of all genres. Explore our free tools & request copies by email so you can begin increasing your creative potential with new ideas.

The Ultimate Writing Project Workbook:
Fiction & Nonfiction
Get exercises, worksheets, tools, templates, prompts, & more to develop your fiction or nonfiction project.
Revision Scorecard
Learn the most common elements that need to be revised in early drafts of stories, essays, & books so you can devote more revision time to the areas of your project that most need it.

Blog Toolkit for Writers
Get the tools you need to build a blog that speaks to your audience's interests & needs so you can gain more readers & spread your message.

The Ultimate Poetry Workbook
Whether you're a brand new poet or a veteran, there's something in this book to help you spark new poetry ideas about your experiences, values, favorite places & other topics.
Virtual Meetup
Got something specific to discuss or need a little writerly conversation? Schedule a complimentary Zoom to brainstorm & develop ideas & get answers to questions.

50 Flash Fiction Prompts
Get inspiration for writing very short stories so you can produce flash pieces with emotional impact.