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Get February Feedback with a Manuscript Review

Discover What's Next For Your Project
With Personalized Feedback
& A Plan To Get It Done.

Get 10% Off All Manuscript Reviews Through March 1 So You Can Transform Your Draft Into An Incredible Story.

Schedule A Complimentary Virtual Meetup & Learn More.

"I've Got A Book Draft...Now What?"

You did it. You plowed through chapter after chapter, fought off distractions, and at long last, you typed those two magical words..."THE END."


It's a euphoric feeling of accomplishment. Believe us, we know.


But what happens next? What do you do with this monolith of words you just created?

How do you revise it? How do you know what's worth keeping & what needs to go?

We can help with that.


Get 10% off our basic manuscript review service through March 1 & spend the rest of the winter moving forward with a plan to finally finish your novel.

Sound good? Let's schedule a Virtual Meetup to talk.

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Here's Our Process...

On a Video Call

Chat About Your Book

On a Virtual Meetup, we'll explore your project & discuss your victories & concerns. This consultation is free with no obligation to continue!

Review The Draft

We read through your manuscript & provide a written critique of  the project, identifying the most powerful & effective elements of the draft.

Discuss Your Next Steps

We have a second Virtual Meetup to go over the critique and make a plan for the revision process.

Praise For Chief Strategist Kori Frazier Morgan

"As Kori guided me, she asked many questions about what I did or didn't write. Her questions weren't written to be answered on paper or in conversation, but to help me see things from different perspectives. If you are looking for someone to help guide you in your writing, I highly recommend Kori."


- Rebecca Thomas, Author Of The Truth Is...: Confessions & Tips From An Elementary School Teacher


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I'm ready to share my draft?


The short answer is that it's different for every person. Sharing your finished draft with someone is a big step. However, you might know you're ready if you've done enough revision by yourself to know that it might be time to get someone else's opinion.

Sometimes you simply feel that you've gone as far as you can by yourself. When you reach that point, we can help. 


My draft is really bad & I'm embarrassed to show it to someone. Is it worth it to invest money in this?

First off, nobody writes a perfect draft. Our service is a fun way for you to get an idea of what elements of your project are worth carrying into the next stage of the process. This is a great opportunity to get an outside perspective on what you've created so you can determine what to focus on next.




What kinds of feedback will you give?

If you're worried about getting your manuscript back covered in red pen with comments that shred your confidence to pieces, don't. Since this is the most basic service Inkling offers, you'll get a one page critique & some marginal notes that focus on two things: what we find intriguing or interesting & what we have questions about.


We also make some recommendations about how you might focus your attention when revising.


Who reads my draft?

Our founder & Chief Strategist, Kori Frazier Morgan, personally works with every client. 

Kori has worked in multiple areas of the writing & education fields for 15 years, with nearly half of that time spent teaching communications, creative writing, & composition at the college level & mentoring writers in many contexts.


Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals, most notably Shenandoah, Forge, Switchback, & Blanket Sea, where she was nominated for Best of the Net 2020.


She is also the author ofThe Goodbye Love Generation: A Novel In Stories.


How does this work?

To make sure we're a fit for your project, you'll schedule Virtual Meetup on Zoom with Kori to talk about your project. This part of the process is free of charge to everyone with no obligation to continue—we want you to feel comfortable sharing your work!

After that, Kori will read your draft & write a one page critique, as well as some marginal notes. Once this is complete, we'll have a final Zoom meetup to discuss the feedback & your next steps.

What's a Virtual Meetup?

We think the phrases "Zoom Call" & "complimentary consultation" are boring, so we call it something more fun. We want to evoke the spirit & ambiance of a writerly coffee date, so be sure to bring along a favorite beverage.


How much does it cost?

Rates for this service start at $300, but are determined based on genre and length However, through the beginning of March, you'll receive a 10% discount.

Remember—you'll get a personal meetup to discuss your feedback plus a written critique. These services can cost $100s or even $1,000s elsewhere, but Kori is offering this special price so you can carry your writing momentum through into the spring.

Do you offer any kind of guarantee?


If you are not satisfied with your feedback or any part of the experience for any reason, simply contact us & we will be happy to issue a full refund.

How do I get started?

Schedule your complimentary Virtual Meetup by clicking the button below so you can learn more about this service & see if it's for you.

Ready To Get Started?

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